Tag Archives: Hair

How to Care for Your Wavy Hair

How to Care for Your Wavy Hair

Shampoo obviously isn’t the only product you’ll need in your wavy hair care routine, but it certainly sets the tone. Here’s what to look for in a wave friendly shampoo to contour, protect and hydrate your hair.

Keeping Your Curls in Place

Keeping Your Curls in Place

One of the most popular hair styles right now is beautifully curled hair. When you take the time to curl your hair, it’s important that those curls keep their shape for a long time. The longer the better, right? We are here to teach you the best ways to keep your hair from falling flat after you’ve spent your precious time curling it.

Hair Care Inspired by Skin Care

Hair Care Inspired by Skin Care

When you have finally found the perfect skin care routine, you wish that life was just so simple for your hair, too. Well, it can be. The right hair care routine helps to get your hair in the best shape possible, streamlines your daily grooming activities and makes you feel really good about yourself.

Best Shampoos to Get You to Stop Singing the Oily Hair Blues

Best Shampoos to Get You to Stop Singing the Oily Hair Blues

There’s a thin line between well-moisturized hair and oily hair. Hair that is well-moisturized looks healthy, vibrant and has great movement that looks natural. Oily hair looks weighed-down, droopy and lifeless, especially if your hair type is fine and/or straight. In some extreme cases, greasy hair leaves unsightly stains in its wake: on clothes, on bed linens, upholstered furniture and other places you’ve been. Embarrassing!

Reasons to Love Vitamin C

Reasons to Love Vitamin C

We’ve all heard time and time again that we need to eat our vegetables and take our vitamins. One of those essential vitamins is Vitamin C. Some of us load up on Vitamin C when we are trying not to catch a cold, or when we are trying to boost our immune system. Did you know that vitamin C is actually an extremely important vitamin in your beauty health?

Straight Hair 101

Straight Hair 101

Of all hair types, straight hair may be one of the most coveted. Those who don’t have it may spend time and effort trying to achieve it. Those with naturally straight hair, however, have to know how to treat it properly to get the most out of it.