Tag Archives: Videos

Hair Care – Dull Hair

Everyone knows that how you feel about your hair can change the way you feel about your day. A good hair day has the power to make you feel like you can conquer the world. On a bad hair day, you may hope that you do not run into anyone you know. Make a resolution [Read More…]

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The Concealer Commandments

The Concealer Commandments

Nobody’s perfect, of course, but choosing and using the right concealer can allow you to effectively hide your facial imperfections from the world. However, if you don’t know how to use concealer, or how to pick the right one, you may actually be drawing attention to the very things you want to hide from the world.

Choosing The Best Moisturizer For Acne Prone Skin: Not An Easy Task

Choosing The Best Moisturizer For Acne Prone Skin: Not An Easy Task

For many lucky people, acne is the bane of their middle school years and nothing more. During these awkward years, moisturizing is rarely a priority, as some schools don’t allow makeup and the task of preventing wrinkles seems a lifetime away. However, for those with adult acne, the task of keeping the pimples at bay never truly ends, and finding the best moisturizer for acne prone skin may seem like an impossible task.