Category Archives: Resource Center


Sunscreen is the one non-negotiable skincare product that everyone needs in their regimen, but what if you have sensitive skin? LaLa Daisy is happy to crack the sunscreen code to help you find the best sunscreen for sensitive skin. Once you know what to look for and what to avoid, you can narrow down the [Read More…]

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Sunscreen is the one non-negotiable skincare product that everyone needs in their regimen, but what if you have sensitive skin? LaLa Daisy is happy to crack the sunscreen code to help you find the best sunscreen for sensitive skin. Once you know what to look for and what to avoid, you can narrow down the [Read More…]

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Skin Care Advisor

If your skin is feeling dry, itchy, and flaky, you may be dealing with more than just basic dry skin. You could be lacking the right amount of skin restoring ceramides, resulting in a dull and dehydrated appearance. Fortunately, there are ways you can replenish your ceramides by choosing the right products for your skin. [Read More…]

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Beauty Resource Center

Your shampoo of choice defines the quality of your hair. It supports the other hair care products you choose by prepping your hair to absorb all the nutrients. Switching to organic and all natural shampoo is life-changing. It feels liberating to use a product free from harsh chemicals that ruin the quality of your hair [Read More…]

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Image Skincare

Sunscreen is the one non-negotiable skincare product that everyone needs in their regimen, but what if you have sensitive skin? LaLa Daisy is happy to crack the sunscreen code to help you find the best sunscreen for sensitive skin. Once you know what to look for and what to avoid, you can narrow down the [Read More…]

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Makeup Tips on How To Cover Up Face Psoriasis

How To Cover Up Face Psoriasis image

Facial psoriasis is a skin condition that causes one or multiple patches of thick, red and dry skin on the face. The condition is chronic, which means that it is an ongoing, long-term condition that may be covered up if you use makeup for psoriasis skin. Facial psoriasis can involve the skin anywhere on the [Read More…]

The Best Skin Care Products for Hormonal Acne

Skin Care Products for Hormonal Acne

You may have been under the delusion that acne was a teenager’s problem, until one day in your mid 20s (or even early 50s) you start breaking out in ways you never had. You can thank hormonal acne for that game changer. How do you know hormones are to blame for your acne? Teenagers tend [Read More…]

Calm It Down: 3 Great Sensitive Skin Care Products

Calm It Down: 3 Great Sensitive Skin Care Products

Does your skin break out if you apply the wrong products? Have you ever gotten a rash from a product that was too harsh? Do you have to examine the ingredients list of every new product you try to make sure that they contain nothing that will upset your complexion?


Incorporating a skin cleanser into your routine makes all the difference. Cleansing your skin removes oil, dirt, makeup residue, and dead skin cells without damaging the skin. It is the simplest way to clean skin and give it a fresh start, day or night. Daily facial cleansing forms good skin care habits with long-term results. [Read More…]

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