Monthly Archives: May 2018

Crazy for Coconut

Crazy for Coconut

Coconut oil is all the rage in the world of hair care – and for good reason. Renowned for its remarkable moisturizing ability, coconut oil products are quickly becoming some of the most popular and accessible products on the market. Blended into everything from shampoos and conditioners to body lotions, coconut oil products are ideal for anyone who enjoys having soft and silky hair.

Makeup Begone! Why You Shouldn’t Skip This Important Step

Makeup Begone! Why You Shouldn’t Skip This Important Step

If you’ve ever been too tired to take off your makeup before going to bed, don’t worry, it isn’t just you. Most everyone, from those who like a natural look to people who prefer a dramatic full face, have tried to rationalize going to sleep without removing their makeup first.

Products To Match Your Ethos

Products To Match Your Ethos

There are numerous benefits to gain when you practice a vegan diet. You can lose weight more easily, lower your body’s blood sugar levels and lower your risk of developing certain cancers. It makes sense if you practice this diet, you would also want to follow a vegan skincare routine to ensure every part of your regimen is good for animals and good for your body.