The Best Shampoo for Color Treated Hair

The Best Shampoo for Color Treated Hair

Why You Need the Best Shampoo for Color Treated Hair

Whether you’re trying to cover grays or just want to express your own unique style, coloring your hair can completely transform your look and leave you feeling gorgeous. It takes a lot of time and commitment to color your hair, so why undo all that hard work by using the wrong products? Using the best shampoo for color treated hair can keep it looking fantastic between treatments, so that fabulous feeling from a fresh color session can last weeks longer.

The Importance of Protecting Color Treated Hair

Living Proof Color Care Shampoo

While it is perfectly safe for most people to color their hair, it’s still a chemical treatment process that tends to strip away natural oils. Too much used too often can cause serious damage and lead to frizz, breakage and even temporary hair loss. Ideally, you should wait at least six weeks between all types of hair chemical treatment sessions to keep your hair healthy.

Six weeks may not seem like a long time, but it is if your hair color is starting to fade or appear dull. There’s not much you can do except wait to recolor it in these situations, but if you take care to use the best shampoo for color treated hair, you can avoid the problem altogether. The right hair care products for color-treated hair are gentle enough to keep the dyes intact and won’t dry out your already damage-prone hair. Instead, they’ll add the correct balance of moisture and shine without stripping your hair of its color.

Finding the Best Shampoo for Color Treated Hair

When shopping for products, pay close attention to the label; if it doesn’t specifically say it’s safe for color treated hair, it’s best to skip it. However, this might not be enough when you’re looking for the ultimate care. The best shampoo for color treated hair says that it’s specifically designed to protect hair color, offering you the best results.

Keratin Complex Color Care Smoothing Shampoo

Look for products with ingredients that can help strengthen and nourish your hair:

Joico K-Pak Color Therapy Shampoo
  • Protein
  • Vitamins
  • Peptides
  • Antioxidants

Shampoos rich in keratin are a must-have. Avoid products that contain sulfates since these are especially notorious for stripping and dehydrating hair of all types. It’s also a good idea to choose an option that helps maintain shine and moisture, like Joico’s K-Pak Color Therapy Shampoo. Finally, make sure every step of your hair care routine only utilizes color-safe products, including your conditioner, treatments and sprays.

Other Tips for Prolonging Your Hair Color

In addition to using the best shampoo for color treated hair, you can take simple steps to help your hair color last significantly longer between treatments. Give these tips a try for hair that stays vibrant and vivid.

Amika Vault Color-lock Shampoo

Take Care Outdoors

Just as too much sun exposure can damage your skin, it can also damage your hair. High doses of UV rays can cause hair color to fade rapidly. To prevent this, wear a wide-brimmed hat or wrap your hair under a scarf when spending a lot of time in the sun. You can also use hair care products that are made to protect your hair from sun damage, like Amika Vault Color-Lock Shampoo. Chlorine and saltwater can also affect hair color so limit your hair’s exposure to these harsh elements by wearing a swim cap.

Shampoo With Caution

Even though using the best shampoo for color treated hair helps protect it, you still have to ensure you’re using the product properly. First of all, give your hair at least 24 hours after coloring before the initial shampoo session to be sure it sets completely. When it is time to wash your hair, avoid hot water and stick to lukewarm instead. Only wash your hair as much as necessary to keep oil under control; use a color-safe dry shampoo to help prolong the time between washings.

Step Back on Heat Styling

If you use heat to blow-dry, curl or straighten your hair on a regular basis, it can cause your colored hair to look dull. It can also lead to more damage while dehydrating your strands. Talk to your stylist about options that allow you to use less heat for healthier hair and better color.

To find the best shampoo for color treated hair, look no further than LaLa Daisy. They offer everything you need to build the perfect hair care routine from start to finish, whether you’re looking to add volume, replenish moisture, define your curls or protect your lustrous hair color. Shop for the best in color hair care at a great price at LaLa Daisy today. If you want more information be sure to refer to our Beauty Resource Center for a complete guide to color-treated hair.