Top 4 Detangle Hair Products

Top 4 Detangle Hair Products

If you have curly, damaged, or long hair, there’s a good chance that tangles and knots are your arch nemeses. Dealing with this issue can be a pain, literally. Fortunately, LaLa Daisy carries some of the best detangle hair products so you can enjoy smooth and healthy hair.

Understanding the Causes of Tangled Hair

Tangles can happen to anyone but certain factors can make your hair more prone to them. This is especially true if you aren’t using the best detangle hair products on a regular basis.

Coils, Curls, and Waves

Naturally-textured hair can have a mind of its own. Without the right products and styling techniques, it can be very easy for those strands to tangle together instead of forming healthy, smooth clumps of curls.

Bad Brushing Habits

If you have long hair, you need to brush it on a regular basis to prevent knots from forming. However, too much brushing can have an adverse effect: it can lead to stretching, breaking, and more tangles, especially if it’s done with the wrong tools on wet hair.


When hair becomes dry and brittle, it loses its soft, silky, slippery outer texture. Without the proper coating of natural oils and healthy moisturizers, the strands are more prone to snagging and forming tangly clumps.

Broken or Damaged Hair

Anything that dries out or damages hair can cause more tangles. This is more likely to happen after harsh treatments, such as frequent coloring or other chemical treatments, routine heat styling, or frequent chlorine exposure.

The Best Detangle Hair Products

Paul Mitchell Original The Detangler

Tangled hair can be a mess, but it’s not too difficult to deal with if you have the right products at your disposal. These four products are some of our favorites for removing knots and restoring hair health.

1. The Best Detangling Conditioner

R+CO Pinstripe Intense Detangling Spray

If you’re looking to upgrade your daily conditioner, Paul Mitchell’s The Detangler Original Conditioner is a great option. This formula from one of the most trusted and well-known hair-care lines is great for providing the ideal amount of moisture to your hair to reduce tangles and knots.

2. The Best Spray for Intense Tangles

UNITE Hair 7 Seconds Detangler Leave in Conditioner

If you’re dealing with serious tangles and knots, it’s important to have a good spray detangler on hand. R+CO Pinstripe Intense Detangling Spray is packed with nourishing vitamins and oils to give your hair just the right amount of slip and a boost of hydration.

3. The Best Leave-In Detangler

Sometimes, you need a heavy, intense moisturizer to treat your hair. But if you’re looking for a lightweight option that doesn’t require rinsing, try UNITE 7 Seconds Detangler Leave-In Conditioner. It gently softens hair cuticles to easily remove knots and tangles without leaving an oily residue.

Matrix Biolage Hydrasource Detangling Solution

4. The Best Detangler for Color-Treated Hair

Color-treated hair needs extra moisture, but you have to choose your products carefully to keep your color from fading. Matrix Biolage Hydrasource Detangling Solution is gentle enough for colored hair and helps prevent pesky tangles on wash day.

How to Detangle Your Hair Safely

When you’re working with troublesome knots and tangles, make sure you’re using the best detangle hair products to prevent any unnecessary damage. Ideally, you should start with wet hair or spray the affected area well until it is almost dripping.

Next, apply your detangling product and use your fingers to gently separate the knots, working from bottom to top. Follow up with the same technique using a detangling comb or brush. Rinse your hair if necessary.

Tips on Preventing Tangles in the Future

Keep your hair healthy and hydrated to prevent it from becoming dry and brittle. Limit chemical treatments and heat styling and be sure to use protective sprays before using a hairdryer or heat tool.

When brushing your hair, start with the ends and then work your way backward. Starting at the root can actually cause more tangles to form as you brush.

Sleeping on a satin or silk pillowcase can reduce breakage and prevent knots from forming while you sleep. You can also consider braiding your hair at night or sleeping with a silk or satin scarf or cap.

Shop LaLa Daisy to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Tangle-Free

Stopping knots and tangles isn’t just about using the best detangle hair products; it requires total hair care from start to finish. LaLa Daisy’s Haircare Advisor can help you find suggestions for your perfect haircare routine. You can also find a huge selection of the best detangle hair products when you shop LaLa Daisy’s website.