5 Incredible Makeup Hacks

5 Incredible Makeup Hacks

All professional makeup artists seem to have some tricks up their sleeves to use products in ways that work perfectly for the looks they are trying to achieve. They somehow always seem to make the perfect finishes and beautiful colors pop. We’ve taken note of the tips and tricks from a lot of famous makeup artists and are ready to share what we’ve learned.

Haircare Advisor

One of the first things you notice when looking at the mirror is the state of your hair. Damaged hair is bothersome with its dry strands and unwanted frizz. You try to fix it by applying a double dose of conditioner, but it shows little progress. Feeling helpless is an understatement. The best way to [Read More…]

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Perfectly Blending Eyeshadow

Perfectly Blending Eyeshadow

Eye makeup is many a woman’s favorite treat when she needs a little pick-me-up. Eye shadow palettes are a great option since they are fun to play around with and experiment to your heart’s delight. However, with so many different types of gorgeous eye makeup looks out there, you may feel inexperienced and that you do not know how to apply eyeshadow properly.