Tag Archives: Skin Care

Body Butter vs. Lotion: What’s the Difference?

Body Butter vs. Lotion: What's the Difference?

There is no doubt about it – having healthy, moisturized skin is important. Healthier skin ages more slowly and gives off a youthful appearance, and in the world of skincare, consumers have two primary skin moisturizing products to choose from – body butter and lotion. Learn more about the body butter vs. lotion debate below.

Products To Match Your Ethos

Products To Match Your Ethos

There are numerous benefits to gain when you practice a vegan diet. You can lose weight more easily, lower your body’s blood sugar levels and lower your risk of developing certain cancers. It makes sense if you practice this diet, you would also want to follow a vegan skincare routine to ensure every part of your regimen is good for animals and good for your body.